Excel Spreadsheet as menu item

How can I add a link to an Excel Spreadsheet in Epicor that is available to everyone? I know I can add a tile to my homepage linked to the Excel spreadsheet, but not what I want. Can I add a menu item in menu maintenance linking to the spreadsheet? Is there another way to do this?

Too easy!

Just add a menu maintenance item as program type: External Process and then paste the shortcut to the spreadsheet in the program box.

It has to be formatted as such “C:\folder\filename.xlsx” etc…

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Unsolicited suggestion: I would convert that spreadsheet into a Google Sheet (or online via O365, etc) instead of a local spreadsheet–it will make concurrency that much easier to deal with assuming this isn’t just a read-only file.


Thanks, I tried that, but it would only filter .exe, didn’t know you could paste the path in there. Works great!

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