Excel format Blank Title 62002

When you print preview a report in Vantage, a text file is created.
Once you have found the directory where it is stored, you can import the
text file in Excel. It is not very pretty, but it gets the job done.

Christy J. Morris

Cold Jet, LLC
455 Wards Corner Road
Loveland, Ohio 45140


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From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf
Of Ken Taylor
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2008 6:40 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] excel format

Is there an easy way to get the indented version of the BOM listing
report into an excel spreadsheet? Any ideas will be appreciated. Thanks.

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Is there an easy way to get the indented version of the BOM listing report into an excel spreadsheet? Any ideas will be appreciated. Thanks.

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We're on ver. 6.10.541:

1) Use a BAQ, which may be ugly, trying to get all of JObAssy's and JobMtl's to correctly come in under the correct 'parent'

2) Use ODBC, from Excel to 'go and get' your BOM, using VBA in excel.
ie: Make a small front-end form in Excel that allows you to pick your part number than gets your B.O.M.

3) Write a Progress routine , using 'COM' to establish an 'Excel Object' then get the data and place it into the proper cells.

There is probably an easier way that I am not thinking of at the moment.

Ken Taylor <ktaylorv@...> wrote:
Is there an easy way to get the indented version of the BOM listing report into an excel spreadsheet? Any ideas will be appreciated. Thanks.

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