I am re-creating a classic updateable dashboard for Supplier Price List. The primary reason we use this dashboard and not the standard import / export routine is because of subcontract operations.
Previously (Epicor 10.2) this dashboard had a tracker view that allowed the user to select a supplier and effective date and it would return the current price list. The user would then right-click and copy to excel. They would make their price changes in excel, update the effective date and then they would come back to the dashboard with a blank screen (no searching) and paste in the new records. I can get this to work in the Kinetic dashboard from a base update and add new perspective. What I cannot get to work correctly is the export to excel option. If I choose export to excel with the where clause populated, I either get a bad SQL statement or an excel file that simply states the execution time.
If I take the filters off and let the grid show the query contents wide open then the export to excel works correctly. This tells me the issue is in the where clause in the grid options/BAQ provider model. I have tried all sorts of different things to try to get this to work correctly, but I cannot seem to figure out why it will display the correct data in the grid per the filter, but when the export runs it gives a bad SQL statement (the error in the log is unable to convert date to string). I am comparing a field called KeyFields.EffectiveDate (datetime) to the VendPart_EffectiveDate field from the BAQ. they are both date fields albiet one is just plan date and the only options for key fields is datetime. I tried adding a cast to the where clause and that did not work at all. Has anyone run into this where the grid shows the right data per the filter but the export to excel does not work? Interesting enough if you choose the export selected to excel option the highlighted row will export, but that is not what I need. I need the entire result set to export based on the filter, some suppliers could have 3k records or more to export so using the copy all with labels is not ideal as my user would have to scroll forever to load all the records before selecting that option.
See attached for a walk through of the DB and the where clauses I have tried and results for each. What I have found is the only way to get data to actually populate on the export to excel is when there are no filters applied to the grid. If I do that all the results of the BAQ export even though the erp BAQ event is run and shows the filtered records. So that is a long winded way of saying how do I get the export to excel option to work on a panel grid that has a where clause?
ExportSupplierPriceListtoExcel.pdf (1.2 MB)