Event hooks on Mass Receipt

Good morning Kinetic fanatics… Has anyone been successful hooking an after event to any event related to Mass Receipts. I’d really like to hook after OpenMassReceipts, but haven’t been able to get anything to work… @hmwillett, have you tried anything here?


The problem is it’s a slider and the event is not done until you click OK.

I got a message box to pop up using this trigger; see if that does anything for you (I’m not sure what you’re trying to do, so I don’t know if the timing will work for your needs).

I want to add some custom fields to help support the S&R team (manufacturer is highlighted as an example). I am using a BAQ to pull in the data (from your guide to add columns to an existing grid… next drink is on me for that one). Now I want the Mass Receipt data view to populate my additional columns when the slider appears. I can make it work with row change events and likely a button event, but I would like it to be automatic. BAQ to populate and iterate work just fine… just struggling to find the right event hooks. Yeah…Kinetic! :upside_down_face:


That trigger from above might work. Give it a shot and see.
Otherwise, I can poke it tomorrow when I have some time.

Holy freakin’ moly that worked. Now I owe you two drinks!


OK, now I need the same help with Chart Tracker…

No slideout menu, so not the same solution but similar problem. Can’t find the right trigger to populate my custom column in the GLJrnDtl grid. Triggering manually off a button click works great.

Same hack I used there could work.
Use some control’s onCreate event that’s on the page.

In the prior example, I used the grid’s onCreate.

While it looks like I am hijacking this thread, @alphageek1975 and I are working together, hammering through conversion of our classic customizations to Kinetic, and the event triggers are our biggest hangup at the moment.

This is going to be a book so I apologize, and appreciate anyone who is willing to read it.

In Chart Tracker, I have added a custom column (Supplier) to the Specific Transaction Detail grid, which is bound to the GLJrnDtl Data View. This is on the Details tab page. This Details tab page opens after you provide a GL Account and then click on the GL Account link in the ‘Balance Account List’ grid.

The custom column (Supplier) should be populated when the GL Account is clicked, and the Details page opens. There is an OnClick_grdBalanceAccount event that fires when this occurs, but triggering my custom column to populate after this event, is not working.

First trigger of OnClick_grdBalanceAccount - Dataview Condition is called, but no iteration occurs.

If I click the ‘Chart Tracker’ breadcrumb to get back to the main page, then click on the GL Account a 2nd time, I can see that my ‘Populate’ event does fire, and the iteration event fires successfully for every row in the Data View. However, the custom column in the UI is not populated.

2nd and subsequent trigger of OnClick_grdBalanceAccount - Dataview Condition is called, iteration occurs but no change to the Grid UI. It seems like the dataview is reloaded/refreshed after this event fires, so the custom column values are lost.

If I trigger the population of the custom column by a button click event, it works correctly.

Triggering by ‘DataView-RowChanged-GLJrnDtl’ works, but it will re-trigger each time a different ‘Specific Transaction Detail’ row is clicked, so that’s no good.

‘DataView-View Changed-GLJrnDtl’ doesn’t do anything at all. I can’t figure out when the ‘View Changed’ event fires.

Event Triggers I have tried without success:

  • After OnClick_grdBalanceAccount
  • On Create pcgGLJrnDtl
  • On Expand pcgGLJrnDtl
  • After OnChangeStartPeriod (will need to support this and other fields that cause a reload of the GLJrnDtl data, such as FiscalYear, StartDate, EndPeriod, EndDate)
  • GLJrnDtl Data View Changed
  • GLJrnDtl Data View Row Changed - Works but is triggered more than desired.

So far, the only trigger that works reliably is on button click. So, as a last resort I will leave a button on the UI for the users to click.