EUG Midwest User Group Meeting

The May 20 EMUG meeting will be an ONLINE joint meeting with several Regional User Groups. Meeting space is limited, so you MUST register to save your place. The meeting invitation will be posted to the EUG site opening the meeting for others around the world to attend. Once all slots are taken, they are gone.

Register online for this virtual meeting. Replying to this email goes to an inbox that is not closely monitored. We don’t want to miss your registration due to technical issues.

The meeting information will be sent to registered attendees.

AGENDA (all times are US Central)
8:30 AM – 9:00 AM

9:00 AM – 9:50 AM
There are several free resources available for help. Calvin Dekker has updated his Insights presentation with the latest information. Come find out cost-effective ways to get assistance for your business, including Epicor ERP software.

10:00 AM – 10:50 AM
Beth Rye and Kristine Fierce will be leading a round table on purchasing topics. Submit your questions to

11:00 AM – 11:50 PM
In response to requests for BPM Education, Tim Dudek is doing a session on BPMs. He’ll cover the basics and move forward. No previous BPM experience needed.

12:00 PM – 12:30 PM

12:30 PM – 1:20 PM
Frank Chang will go over how to use Epicor’s Financial Report Designer. He’ll cover how to build a basic report, include/exclude GLs in sections, modifying the report, adding totals and reversing signs.

1:30 PM – 2:20 PM
Jose Gomez will walk through the basics of Epicor REST and how to get a simple application up and going. No previous REST experience needed.

2:30 PM – 4:00 PM
Get answers from the presenters, fellow members, and special guests. If you have something in particular you want answered, please send your questions to by May 17.


Thanks for posting this.

You forgot to add CONSULTANTS need not apply.

This is a CodaBears controlled and restricted event.


I believe anyone is welcomed to attend consultants or not @DaveOlender this is an EUG Event. And it isn’t “RESTRICTED”

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I was about to say!

The last meeting i tried to attend i was told that this is NOT an EUG event and the only consultants allowed were the ones presenting or contributing.

Since the last meeting was included on the EUG calendar - I was disappointed that EUG would put a “Private Event” on their calendar.

I was NOT allowed to attend.


This is an event put on by multiple regional user groups, not by the national EUG; similar to a long time ago when regional groups had physical meetings. Consultants and others are welcome to register for this event. Because space is limited, users’ registrations are approved first. The day before the meeting, if there is space left, consultants’ registrations will be approved in the order received.


If this is virtual there should be no space limits and anyone can join.

Mr. Fred: Thank you for the post.
Also, Thank you for organizing and putting together this event.

It seems a little onerous for “consultants” to get a one day notice to schedule a full one day event.

Since this is a Virtual Event - may i ask how many overall registrations are available?

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FYI… i tried using Google Chrome to register, and it would not go through… i switched to MS Edge, and was able to register. (odd).

FYI…I also registered using Google Chrome shortly after @timshuwy posted, but it worked OK for me.

Hi was just wondering if the video of this was available? I missed it and was interested in the BPM section

I think they get posted on “the tube” sometime later.

The Feb meeting just posted last week, so I don’t expect to see this last meeting for a few weeks.

Hi Melinda,

They are a little behind in posting the links. Like Mike said, the Feb meeting was just posted last week. I believe they are working on getting the May meeting videos over to YouTube. If you were registered, you will be getting a notice when they are ready.


Dave –

The Vantage/Vista/Epicor users group system has been running for over 25 years. Epicor Users are now given priority registration for the event. Consultants are allowed to attend the meeting only after users are given first-priority. You were invited to the meeting only after user registration closed. There were 9 consultants and vendors that did attend and contribute at the May meeting and our thanks goes out to them.

Contrary to your belief, this is not a CodaBears controlled event. My team does volunteer themselves along with 4 outside members to coordinate, invite, and respond to all the registrations and questions. As for the leadership, myself and 4 other user group leaders govern the selected content and the group’s policies. The Epicor User community votes upon the meeting dates, times, and content via the surveys conducted during the meetings.

As with the forum, there is a no marketing permitted and it has been a very strict policy since 2003. Prior to this, the group was fully open. In 2003, 18 consultants and vendors registered before the first Vantage Users registered. Our physical meeting space back then had a limited number of 60 and this caused a problem for dues paying members that couldn’t attend the meeting for which they paid. The users-first policy was adopted and has not changed since. While we may have changed the venue to an online platform, space is still limited to 500. While the fees to be a member stopped and it is now completely free for any Epicor software user, we did not change the Users-First policy. The group’s website is a little out of date on this and as well, the archives are now on YouTube.

When the meeting changed to an online virtual forum, the first registrants were just from the local user groups. In less than the first year of Covid-19, the registration had gone from almost 200 to over 400 members. Once we hit the 500 member mark at the end of last year, the User-First priority had to be enforced. My apologies if this gives you any concerns.


Calvin Dekker

Midwest Epicor User Group Chair