We are getting this error when we try to approve a supplier Purchase order.
What’s in the details? Do you have some custom BPMs on approval? Looks like something with an email is wrong if you’re getting a SMTP exception.
here is the top part
Here is the second. I think i might have figured it out after your said looks like an email error. i will let you know unless there is something else you can see wrong from the error
nope still doesn’t work
The error comes from a BPM, which means this is a customization your company made.
I’d suggest you contact your IT department.
It’s an issue with a BPM you have. It can’t send an email or something. That’s what the SMTP error is about.
@taustin If you are on prem then turn on or check that server logging is on. The name of the bpm will be in serverlog.txt just before the exception.
Looks like you have a BPM that’s sending emails but there’s an issue with your SMTP. The settings could be wrong (see System Setup - Cmy/Site Maintenance - Company Maintenance - Email and Reporting tab) or the server has some issues (if you have a SMTP server set up)
For the BPM, I would look at method directives for POApvMsg or data directives for the POApvMsg table