Error when opening Vantage 8.03.305k

The error is Mfgsys.exe - Fatal Error

CLR error: 8007000b

The program will now terminate.


From: [] On Behalf
Of Zach Jumper
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 10:40 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Error when opening Vantage 8.03.305k

Has anybody ever seen this error when trying to start Vantage on a PC?
I even tried uninstalling/reinstalling the program. I tried it in a new
profile and nothing happened. The logon screen does not even come up.

Zachary Jumper

Kenlee Precision Corp.

1701 Inverness Ave.

Baltimore, MD 21230

(P): 410-525-3800 x120

(C): 443-845-6717

(F): 410-525-8641

(E): zjumper@... <>

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Has anybody ever seen this error when trying to start Vantage on a PC?
I even tried uninstalling/reinstalling the program. I tried it in a new
profile and nothing happened. The logon screen does not even come up.

Zachary Jumper

Kenlee Precision Corp.

1701 Inverness Ave.

Baltimore, MD 21230

(P): 410-525-3800 x120

(C): 443-845-6717

(F): 410-525-8641

(E): zjumper@...

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]