Error On Open of E10

I get this error when I open Epicor. I can click past it and get into Epicor and everything seems to be OK, but I am curious what this could be about.
Application Error

Exception caught in: System.Data

Error Detail

Message: Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints.
Program: System.Data.dll
Method: EnableConstraints

Client Stack Trace

at System.Data.DataSet.EnableConstraints()
at System.Data.DataSet.set_EnforceConstraints(Boolean value)
at System.Data.Merger.MergeDataSet(DataSet source)
at System.Data.DataSet.Merge(DataSet dataSet, Boolean preserveChanges, MissingSchemaAction missingSchemaAction)
at System.Data.DataSet.Merge(DataSet dataSet)
at Ice.Bpm.Context.CallContextManager.InitCall(ContextDataSet contextData)
at Ice.Proxy.BO.GenXDataImpl.StoreData(GenXDataDataSet ds)
at Ice.Lib.Framework.GenXObject.handleChunkAndSave(Boolean doCompression, String company, String productID, String typeCode, String cgcCode, String key1, String key2, String key3, String description, String comment, String version, Boolean layerWIP, String data)
at Ice.Lib.Framework.GenXObject.ChunkNSaveStringByID(String company, String productID, String typeCode, String cgcCode, String key1, String key2, String key3, String description, String comment, String version, Boolean layerWIP, String data)
at Ice.Lib.Framework.GenXObject.ChunkNSaveStringByID(String company, String productID, String typeCode, String key1, String key2, String key3, String description, String comment, String version, Boolean layerWIP, String data)
at Ice.Lib.Framework.FormFunctions.ChunkNSaveStringByID(Session s, String company, String productID, String typeCode, String key1, String key2, String key3, String description, String comment, String version, Boolean layerWIP, String data)
at Ice.Lib.Framework.FormFunctions.ChunkNSaveStringByID(Object sender, String company, String productID, String typeCode, String key1, String key2, String key3, String description, String comment, String version, Boolean layerWIP, String data)

Is this just happening to a single user?

Are you opening up Epicor in Classic view or Shell view? Does it make a difference which one you open? I’ve see it where if you open it in Classic view you get the error but in Shell you do not. Strange behavior and it was the only way we could get Epicor to even open for one user in order to fix their account (and remove a bad Favorites item).

I wonder if it has something to do with an item on your Favorites menu? We would see strange messages like that for a few of our users if they had placed a Word or Excel Document or a Webpage link on their Favorites menu. If you can try removing some items from the Favorites menu to figure out which one might be the culprit…

Also, do you have anything set to “Auto-Load” in a Favorites Group. Could you try turning that off and see if that eliminates the error?

I guess I would also recommend trying on the Main Window clicking Options - Reset Layouts to Base? And the ever-popular “Clear Client Cache”.

And maybe looking at Personalizations and Personalization Purge?

Just throwing some suggestions out there…since that message doesn’t really look like it’s giving you much to go on. :thinking:

Options > Preferences > Tabs - Make sure you don’t have any offending dashboards\screens

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We used to get this all the time on 10.0.x, but now on 10.1.600 and even on 10.1.500 don’t think we saw it.

I agree that it’s related to favourites / tiles / recent list, as in 10.0.x the favourites etc and recent were sometimes lost.

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Thanks everyone! Makes sense. After i would get through all the errors, Epicor would come up but I would have no favorites. So, that verifies what I was thinking. Much appreciated.