Problem solved! Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
Problem solved! Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
--- In vantage@y..., "Troy Funte" <tfunte@e...> wrote:
> Hi Lonnie,
> Just got home from church and checked my email. We had the same
problem after converting to 5.0. There are a couple possibilites for
you from EraNet. #1 is for if this affects ALL workstations. #2 and
#3 are for specific workstations. I ended up doing #1 below, and
then I had to also reinstall progress on a few workstations as well
(for some reason). Hope this helps.
> Troy Funte
> Liberty Electronics
> #1
> Page: 1229MPS
> Summary: RB, unable to open convmap with custom report links
> AnswerBook: Vantage ChangeRequests
> XA 5.00
> Problem: Opening custom report links in Vantage generates error:
unable to open convmap
> Resolution: Vantage 5.00 no longer the Vantage.ini to connect to
report builder
> Because the report builder.vtg and edit the "other parameters" no
longer uses 'Basekey ini" it now uses the Progress.ini by default.
> Report builder.vtg
> [Vantage Startup]
> Executable=V:\Progress\bin\prorb32.exe
> Database=V:\Vantage\db\vantage
> IniFile=V:\Vantage\Vantage.ini
> ParameterFile=V:\Vantage\db\
> ConnectOptions=-N TCP -H mntech -S epic50
> TempDirectory=C:\Vntg50
> StartupProcedure=
> OtherParameters=
> --> NOTE: the 'OtherParameters=' line is blanked out
> Apparently this causes no problem with the database engine because
it uses the registry so. You will also need to edit the
progress\Bin\progress.ini to reference the mapped drive path instead
of the physical drive path.
> After editing the startup section it should look something like
> Progress.ini
> [Startup]
> V6Display=no
> ;ImmediateDisplay=yes
> ;MultitaskingInterval=100
> DefaultFont=MS Sans Serif, size=8
> DefaultFixedFont=Courier New, size=8
> DLC=V:\progress
> Use-3D-Size=Yes
> UseSourceEditor=yes
> ;EditorConfigPath=V:\prowork\proedit
> Where V is a mapped drive.
> Pay special attention to the DLC path, that it says V:\progress,
NOT V:\epic50\progress
> #2
> Page: 312.1116MPS
> Summary: PG - Unable to open convmap file v:\dlc\convmap.cp (98)
> AnswerBook: Vantage ChangeRequests
> Error 'Unable to open convmap file v:\dlc\convmap.cp (98)' only
> getting from one worksation.
> No local copies of vantage.ini, no unique files vntgwork. This is a
report builder report being run from within vantage. They have
vantage mapped to the u: drive. Version 3.00.613. Can access vantage,
all vtgs mapped to u:. win95, on nt. For some reason the report
appears to be looking in the V:\dlc for the convmap. Customer has the
Convmap.cp file in the U:\dlc directory.
> PROBLEM RESOLUTION: Suggestion would be to have them remove and
reinstall the Progress Shared Network client on the problem
> Report Builder would be using the windows registry DLC environment
variable. Possibly this is set to v:\dlc on this workstation.
> #3
> Make sure there are no old DLC variables being set in the
autoexec.bat file of any workstation.
> Troy Funte
> Liberty Electronics
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Lonnie Drew
> To: vantage@y...
> Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2001 1:44 PM
> Subject: [Vantage] Error message when running RB report from
> Is anyone out there this Sunday?
> We've just upgraded to 5.0 and getting an error whenever trying
> run a Report Builder report from the Vantage menu, "Unable to
> convmap file, 'd:\epic50\progress\convmap.cp' ".
> Same error when selecting the Report Builder button from the
> menu bar and running a report.
> No error when running a Report Builder report from the windows
> desktop icon.
> No problems on the training server, so I've obviously missed
> something on the live side.
> Any help appreciated!
> Lonnie Drew
> lonniedrew@c...
> To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder
and Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please go to: Note: You must have
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> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]