Error in Rollup - This method detail would create an endless Loop


Our engineers are getting “endless” loops when doing a cost rollup in Epicor. I believe that this is caused be an Assembly part number at the parent level, being called out at lower levels causing the rollup process to “loop” upon itself.

The error does give the offending part number in question.

Any troubleshooting ideas… ?? Since our BOM’s are so huge, we are looking for an easy way to find the offending assembly, part, subassembly etc…

Thanks a bunch,

-Marty Merillat, BluePrint Automation

If the cost-rollup has a loop… where at a lower-level, use of an upper-level part results in the endless loop, be sure there is NO DEMAND for the part within MRP!

What will happen… presume demand is in February.
MRP will run fine for a while, but actually crap-out when this top-level part per date and time-phase processing… is in the MRP part stack.
Most folks don’t check MRP results for errors, so even though MRP is failing every night, future requirements may not be too critical for response.
Sooner or later as you approach closer to February and this top-level part… folks will wonder what is wrong!

Can u LOG the cost-rollup?
Or load Prod DB to Test… create a JOB for the top level and run MRP with Logging?

Thank you so much…. We do not actually run MRP.

We are just trying to fix the error caused by the BOM cost report… the BOM cost report is giving us the error…

So…. I am using the “Detect redundant BOMS” report… which… I think… is going to run a long time…

Should the “Detect redundant BOMS” be helpful for troubleshooting?


What is the error? Child parts have parent parts apart of their assembly?

I AM ON 10.1.400.22 and do not see a “Detect redundant BOMS” report in the menu options
for reports within MRP; ENGINEERING; SCHEDULING…

what report are you referencing? Menu path? Custom-report?


Hello and thank you ALL:

I am actually running the “BOM Cost Report”

The “detect redundant BOMS report” is a utility that the “IT” folks usually run…. It won’t be in the standard menus.

So, The error that I sent is from the “BOM Cost Report”


Can you copy and paste into the thread. The picture didn’t upload. Well I cannot see it at least.

Is the issue that a part rev references its parent as a child?

How many levels are your bombs? if they are 1 with many parts

Erp.PartMtl AS vw_PM ON Erp.PartMtl.MtlPartNum = vw_PM.PartNum AND Erp.PartMtl.PartNum = vw_PM.MtlPartNum

should help you find childs that are also parent of their parents.

We believe that is the issue. We have

Sub assembly a
Sub-sub assembly a
Sub-sub assembly b
Sub-sub assembly c
Sub-sub-sub assembly a
Sub-sub-sub assembly b

3 to 4 sub assemblies deep.

Thank you Ken.

I have that query and will ensure I am looking at the correct info…. :slight_smile:

We are experiencing the same issue. Was there ever a resolution to this problem?

Has anyone ever seen this where you have a relatively simple BOM (maybe 4 layers deep, but only the top level or 2 are very “wide”) and have searched the BOM unable to find any loop?

The error message seems to indicate a sub-assembly as guilty (611034), but that part has only a single, purchased part on it’s own BOM!

This method detail would create an endless loop in the Rollup Process - Part: 6110034 Rev: - AltMethod: .
   at Ice.Services.Lib.RunTaskSvc.InnerRunTask(Int64 ipTaskNum, Boolean suppressTransaction) in 
   C:\_Releases\ICE\3.1.500.14\Source\Server\Services\Lib\RunTask\RunTask.cs:line 526

I’m getting a similar error, this endless loop error from BOM Cost and from BOM Listing. Would someone be able to help me through this error? In the Material list in Method Tracker this part is used multiple times for different products and sometimes it errors out the first time it sees this material in the sequence and sometimes it errors out after seeing the material a few times.

Do you have a part that is a child of itself? run the query above to find out.

I ran the BAQ below. I have 0 rows returned.

Weird solution here… we had a trailing space for the part number in some of the material sequences. We have to now go through and remove the spaces in the Parts that are affected. If there is a suggestion on doing that quickly I’m all ears.



That query would only show if a parent had itself as a child. Not if a parent had itself as a grandchild.

What does the Validate BOM tool in engineering work bench yield?

Thanks for the follow-up, we just had an error in ECO workbench:
Mtl Sequence X will cause an endless loop in the method defined for Part:

And it was a trailing space in the material part number on a method, it turns out the engineer used the part replace function to go through and replace a part. What we did was check the conflicting method out and back in manually and it fixed the problem.

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