I am, trying to have a function that has both IssueMaterial and the JobOper table. The goal is to say if the Op is complete, then do not issue. However, I am getting this error:
The type ‘JobOperRow’ exists in both ‘Erp.Contracts.BO.JobClosing, Version=10.2.700.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=vvvvvv’ and ‘Erp.Contracts.BO.JobEntry, Version=10.2.700.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=vxvd’
No, I am actually issuing Lot tracked material through report quantity with my function.
I could in application studio add a function call before the IssueMaterial to validate if the operation is complete using JobOperSearch I beleive.
Ok the reason I asked you what exactly you are doing, is because I don’t understand exactly what you are trying to do.
With what you are describing, the normal approach would be a BPM on
IssueMaterial.PerformMaterialMovement (I think), and you would do your check there and throw a flag.
With you talking about functions, it sounds like you are doing something custom and outside the norm.
First, Yes, I am doing a BPM from IssueMaterial on PrePerformMaterialMovement.
I then set the condition for TranQty changes from any to another.
Here is where it gets a bit crazy. IssueMaterial doesn’t have Operation of any kind and I need to see if the Operation is complete or not. It is only the MtlSeq via JobMtl. So, I figured a Function, but that doesn’t really work.
So I tried if tranqty changes then invoke JobMtlSearch BO, as I can link that to IssueMaterial. Aft that I invoke JobOpSearch BO. That worked fine, as I set it to send me an email with all the info. works perfect.
Lastly, IU put in the final condition, JobOper.OpComplete if the changed row is equal to true. This is where it breaks. It just doesn’t work.
“Users are issuing material before a certain operation is complete” or whatever. What is the business problem? There may be a different way to do this then trying to fix the technical issues with this solution.
I am just being asked to make it so that no one can issue material to an operation that is already complete. If the operation is complete already, do not pass go.
We have an issue with people still issuing material to a completed Operation and it is causing issues for us.