Error in BPM designer

Hi all,

pretty much everytime I am in BPM designer get “Object reference not set to an instance of an object” error when switching from Condition box to any other box. Happens to all the BPMs in both Data Directive and Method Directive. Also happens to my coworker as well. Doesnt happen if I access Epicor from via RDP
Soemtimes it happens once, sometimes i have to click ok 4 - 5 times for it to go away. But it pops up again when i switch from one box to another.

Any idea?

Details of the error:
Application Error

Exception caught in: Ice.UI.Bpm.Core

Error Detail

Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Program: Ice.UI.Bpm.Core.dll
Method: OperatorSelectionChanged

Client Stack Trace

at Ice.UI.Bpm.Designer.DesignSurfaceViewModel.OperatorSelectionChanged(ComboBox source, SelectionChangedEventArgs args, DesignSurfaceView view)

12 posts were merged into an existing topic: BPM Condition Widget Error 10.2.400.5 and .Net 4.8