Error alert when the release on a Purchase Order is left blank or hits a certain GL

Hey guys I’m trying to accomplish an Alert when the GL account is left blank or when it defaults to a certain account. I want to accomplish this through a BPM but I cant seem to find the correct table that stores the GL accounts to anything PO related. Any thoughts?

Hey there, I think you need the TranGLC table. This is how it joins with PORel:

Also, for the TranGLC table, you need criteria where TranGLC.RelatedToFile = PORel

Hey Jacquelyn,
Thanks for responding. My original intention was to show a message on the PO Dashboard if it was tied to our 5620 account. However, I’m not sure how to bring the TranGLC table to the PO Rel Standard Data directive to check against the GL account and generate the message. I got around this by creating a SDD on the TranGLC table (that you show in your query) that sends an email when a new row is created with the 5620 SegValue. Below is the condition I used to validate.

The email works just fine but it is not an instant message that pops up on PO Entry (which I would much rather have). If you know how I can accomplish the message on the PO side please let me know.

Would you be able to use an in-transaction DD on TranGLC instead of a standard? I think that the conditions would be the same as what you have in the standard directive but that should allow you to use a message box action instead of an email.

I did something similar to this, I just put the BPM trigger on the approval of the PO, then looped through the releases to find if any were in error

Would you mind showing the BPM?

@jepp Let me try that.

It was at my previous job, so I no longer have access to it. I know it was using C# coding to loop through the tables

@livingstonmarc Ahhhh, unfortunate for me. @jepp using the In-Transition worked like a charm! Thanks for the help.