ERP11 User
I have quite a few questions and I’m looking for some guidance before we begin the process of putting our physical inventory into Epicor to utilize the inventory and production scheduling features available. Currently, we do all of this outside of Epicor and I want our company to move forward and utilize Epicor more. I’m looking for some help to prep and make the process smooth. If there is already a post about this that would be a great start for me. I believe the standard ERP11 system can do all of these things but if not I’d like to figure out if it’s something we can add.
Does Epicor Track Inventory Status: Raw - WIP - Finished Goods?
Can Epicor Manage/Track all of this for our parts? Raw - Part Subcomponents - Sub Assemblies - Purchased Components - etc.
Upload of current parts - I’m thinking this is done with a basic csv file that gets uploaded in Epicor correct?
Is this a long/tedious process? We only have around 200-300 active finished parts for a reference.
Once everything is uploaded - how are changes in inventory count and status recorded? Are changes "keyed’ into Epicor - is it live real-time access into the main database - can we restrict access by user/field/station etc.?
Would bar coding be worth it for just couple hundred finished parts?
If bar coding is used can changes be made and recorded on the floor?
What equipment would we need if any is needed? Tablet/Computer
What safeguards exist in the system to prevent or flag erroneous entries? EG: 600 instead of 60?
Does Epicor contain a lot locator function?
Can Epicor generate a pick list by SO or Customer PO? Or a group of SO’s/Customer PO’s to the same location?
Can the pick list have subroutines that suggest pack order to make packing easier?
This is just a start, I’m looking for any help I can get.
Thank you in advance!