EpiUsers Panel Insights 2024 Call for Speakers

Hello ALL!

Per tradition we are gearing up to setup our EpiUsers panel presentation for Insights 2024. If you have something you’d like to share or present to the group at insights this is an opportunity to show off some of those skills technical or otherwise and get a little discount to boot.

We’ve had lots of people present in past years and they can all tell you the experience and comradery is wonderful.

So if you have something (even something small) that you’d like to present please reply to this thread or PM me for details.

We have a hard deadline of February 9th for getting discounts applied so you can still present if you decide to do it at a later date but if you want to get that sweet sweet discount we need to know before February 9th.

As always this forum is all about sharing and learning from each other so we really appreciate your willingness to participate in this endeavor.

You can ask @Mark_Wonsil, @klincecum @jgiese.wci @hmwillett @PatL @amurdock @utaylor @Banderson how their experience was! and ofcourse if you’ve presented before and want to do it again the door is always open.

We typically get 10-20 minutes to do small mini presentations but depending how many folks sign up that may change. We usually have 2 sessions we do and we are trying hard for making this year be back to back and not on Wednesday!


If I can come up with something interesting enough, I’ll do it again.


Something i have been toying about is presenting our transition from classic to web based. We are live on 2023.2.7 right now and still fixing some dashboards. we have been on epicor since 2001


I could talk about automation studio integrations, nobody ever gets tired of hearing me talk about that.


YES! that would be wonderful


That would be an awesome topic


Accurate statement, Ill take notes every time.


Miss this talk and you might have a recipe for disaster on your hands.



Best you’re punctual then @Mark_Wonsil

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Most of them are recycled but sometimes they are home groan.

We do some interesting work with custom manufacturing using the Product Configurators and Epicor Functions. Wouldn’t be the same caliber as Brandon and Kevin, but I’d be interested.

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Same here, I can’t think of anything right now though.

How about Bartender REST…I have POC code in the breech…


Just bring your voice, they will provide the mic…perhaps we can get the Entertainment to do some impromptu backing for you :slight_smile:


@jgiese.wci we going this year? @josecgomez talk to your boy. He should present on RTP Broadcast. Its the best thing I’ve seen on a floor. MES buttons that in a nice airport friendly way, page a Material Handler, Supervisor, Trainer etc… to the ResourceID logged in, or on Grafana. We got some sic dashboards running on Xibo.



Not this year, but one day I’d love to do a presentation on low-code/no-code stuff I have done. (I think @utaylor goaded me into that several months ago.)

First, I want to actually attend this thing for once.


We don’t have a facepalm reaction on this site? I gave this a :laughing:, but :man_facepalming: is what I was really thinking.

You know, as I read that back to myself, that would probably be a disaster. You all will :man_facepalming: my posts even when I am not making a pun.

Me: “Why not just use widgets?”

Everyone else: :man_facepalming:


Oh, it was horrible! @josecgomez is a slave driver, and nothing is ever good enough, and I cried for days and days and days!!!

Sad Season 4 GIF by The Office

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a “Recipe”? hahah Workato Community library | Recipes | Workato

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I dont want to take up any “users” opportunity to speak, as I already have plenty of podium time… but if you need someone to fill in 10 minutes, I could perhaps give a quick deep-dive into our procedures for defining what is in each new release, how we integrate Epicor Ideas, how we decide on what is best, and generally answer your questions… but again… if you have other great content, take that first.