EpiFilter syntax for an EpiCombo

Can I use CurrentPlant in an Epi Filter for a combo box?
As an example, the Part Revision drop down on Job Entry.
You enter a part number on your new job, and the Rev list fills with all revisions, approved or not, relevant to your site or not.
So I added a new filter Approved =‘True’ and this worked great.
Now I’d like that the PartRev Plant = the Current Plant, but not sure of the syntax
Is it possible?

I am not sure what the Business Case is to allow it and what consequences you may face by hiding it.

But to answer your question:

Further Reading… been a while since I used EpiFilters


Part of the issue I was trying to solve was the case where users are not paying attention to the revision that appears on main Job page. They pull in the right details through Get Details. And thankfully, Get Details has proper limitations - only current plant and only approved revs can be pulled in.

But the part revision dropdown shows anything in the PartRev table, approved, not approved, current plant or any other plant. And worst part is that when you go to receive finished goods, they take the revision selected there going in to inventory.