If I want to set up a scheduled Epicor process to run at exactly noon each day, do I set it to run at 12:00PM or 12:00AM. I’ve seen software go both ways on this delineation so I just want to be sure.
I was under the impression that 12:00PM was noon across the board. o.O
Whomever coded 12:00AM to be noon needs some retraining!
To answer your question: Epicor is 12:00PM
Thank you.
According to the definition of noon and midnight, they are technically neither AM nor PM because they are the midpoint, just like a curve where the slope is neither negative or positive because it is at exactly 0. So 11:59:59.99 is AM then NOON then 12:00:00.01 is PM. I think that may be why I’ve seen it go both ways.
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Huh, TIL.
it is for this reason, that I Never like to schedule anything for midnight or noon… too much confusion. I will schedule things to run at 12:01 PM or 12:01 AM because it eliminates confusion.