EpicorRest API / Swagger issue with Reschedulign a Job with a REST call

I am, trying to use the EpicorRestAPI in a project to do some batch rescheduling via the API versus doing a DMT. I am using version

I am using the ‘/{currentCompany}/Erp.BO.JobEntrySvc/JobScheduling’ Custom method, and it runs, but it does not actually reschedule the Job. Doing the DMT version of the scheduling does work , and when I test the API call on the swagger help page, it also does not really work, so I am wondering if that functionality is broken in the REST system. I am running in 10.2.700.26

Her is the code I am trying:

var postData = new
    ipJobNum = "0543847",
    ipReturn = true,
    ipStartAssemblySeq = 0,
    ipCurrentAssemblySeq = 0,
    ipCompleteTree = true

var response = EpicorRest.BoPost("Erp.BO.JobEntrySvc", "JobScheduling", postData, callContext);

return response;

The response object comes back with a 200 OK, but it is all empty data. I get the same results using either the REST program, or within the swagger help page for the object

Response = "StatusCode: OK, Content-Type: application/json, Content-Length: 491)"


This what I see using the swagger page

if it is custom method, try to set RowMod=‘A’ if it is a new row (or U but then you will have to specify SysRowID as well for existing row)

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Wrong BO, this post should give you an idea how it’s done