Epicor Voiding PO Lines on its own?!?

I’ve had purchasing come to me with a weird one. Since I’m still brand spanking new to Epicor, I thought I would run it past you experts for advice!
Buyer created a PO with 2 lines. Line one had 3 releases and was tied to a job. Line 2 had one release and was being purchased to inventory.
All three releases for line 1 were received, qty of 5 total. Line two is on backorder, quantity of one.
Purchasing noticed that the purchasing advice and time phase inquiry were wonky, for a couple reasons:
Epicor had voided out line 2, Epicor was still showing line 1 as open, even though it was completely received, which is correctly reflected in PO Receipt Status.
I know this has happened a few times in the couple of months that I’ve been here - the receiving guy has contacted to to rerelease the releases.
Does anyone know why this might be happening? Are we doing something wrong during PO creation or receipt?

Potentially PO receipting may have been the cause of this as it stands how does PO entry look for the line thats meant to be open ?

@TinaK You say you are new to Epicor, but has the company been running Epicor for a while?

I ask because there may be BPMs behind the scenes doing things.

Data Directives can be pure evil because they can modify data with no trace in change logs or anything.

Here is a simple BAQ that might help you try to find any BPMs that have been made. Then you get to slog through what on earth they do (intentionally or unintentionally).

BPMs.baq (12.2 KB)

Is Line 2 getting received then unreceived by chance? I’ve had this happen a couple of times in the past where after the line is received in full, then unreceived however the release remains closed as if the BO that’s supposed to open it back up isn’t being triggered.

I never found the root cause, but I just went back into the PO and manually opened the release.

I know this doesn’t address Line 1 still being open and received but something else to look for when troubleshooting.

Thanks Jason - what a handy BAQ! Unfortunately, that wasn’t the answer. We have had issues with BPMs from a previously consultant in the past, so it was an excellent thing to look at.