Epicor Upgrade

I am working on upgrading from 10.1.400 to 10.2.700 and was wondering if there is any documentation on migrating the Epicor app server to another application server or if anyone has done this before and could offer any advice.

Just did the move from 10.1.700 to 10.2.700 2 weeks ago. It went pretty smoothly. We had a few minor issues, there are modest changes to the REST API that required some massaging, plus the usual customization tweaks. Frankly, our biggest issue was just pushing the client out to all the remote workers and the on-site staff who ignored the order to keep their workstation turned on over the weekend. However, we run into that with every patch.

Epicweb has a document for this called Epicor ERP 10.2 Upgrade Guide (major): Upgrade from Epicor ERP 10x to 10.2.700x. We stood up a new app server and DB, then copied production data over and ran the conversions, more or less. Then did a couple weeks of testing. When we were ready, we pulled over the prod data again on go-live weekend.

You wouldn’t migrate the app server over, per se. You would just install Epicor on the new server, then setup a new app server and point it to your database.

beat me to it, that’s correct.

The only issue I ran into was making sure all the folders used by Epicor had correct permissions for the Epicor services username.