I can say yes, there will be others; there are others now. One that I know of is that attached files to the Customer record do not show until you hit refresh. I think they broke this around 407 and I was told there were no plans to fix this in 8, it will only be fixed in 9.
From: sschaefer323 <sschaefer323@...>
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 6:20:20 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Epicor Support -
I recently posted an issue I found in A/R Cash Receipts in Version 8.03.305L and Vantage Support confirmed that it is still present in 8.03.408B. I have now been advised that this issue has been corrected in Epicor 9.04.504A and that it will not be fixed in Vantage 8 because there is a work around. The work around is to delete the Group before you post it and re-enter everything using the correct Bank Information. That is fine and dandy if you catch the mistake before you post the Group and should your group not contain very many transactions. Of course, their response is that should you miss this error and post the Group, then you can just make correcting Journal Entries.
The original issue: if you change Banks during Cash Receipt before you Post the Group, the General Ledger number assigned to the bank does not get updated. Meaning you posted this Group to the wrong G/L account - right Bank Account, but wrong G/L Account.
To say the least, I am disappointed that they have advised me that they will not fix this in Vantage 8.
My question to Epicor is....What kind of support are we really getting for the Vantage 8 product? We are being forced to upgrade to Version 8.03.408B due to the Credit Card processing change, but we do not have any plans to upgrade to Epicor 9 in the near future. Will there be other reported issues that get fixed in Epicor 9, but not the Vantage product?
I have escalated this issue to my CAM, so let's see if I can get them to change their mind.
Stephen Schaefer
Abrams Airborne
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
From: sschaefer323 <sschaefer323@...>
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 6:20:20 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Epicor Support -
I recently posted an issue I found in A/R Cash Receipts in Version 8.03.305L and Vantage Support confirmed that it is still present in 8.03.408B. I have now been advised that this issue has been corrected in Epicor 9.04.504A and that it will not be fixed in Vantage 8 because there is a work around. The work around is to delete the Group before you post it and re-enter everything using the correct Bank Information. That is fine and dandy if you catch the mistake before you post the Group and should your group not contain very many transactions. Of course, their response is that should you miss this error and post the Group, then you can just make correcting Journal Entries.
The original issue: if you change Banks during Cash Receipt before you Post the Group, the General Ledger number assigned to the bank does not get updated. Meaning you posted this Group to the wrong G/L account - right Bank Account, but wrong G/L Account.
To say the least, I am disappointed that they have advised me that they will not fix this in Vantage 8.
My question to Epicor is....What kind of support are we really getting for the Vantage 8 product? We are being forced to upgrade to Version 8.03.408B due to the Credit Card processing change, but we do not have any plans to upgrade to Epicor 9 in the near future. Will there be other reported issues that get fixed in Epicor 9, but not the Vantage product?
I have escalated this issue to my CAM, so let's see if I can get them to change their mind.
Stephen Schaefer
Abrams Airborne
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]