Epicor SSRS Training?

We are running into lots of issues where we need customized reports/forms, lots of them and rather than paying to have them individually created, we want to take a course Epicor is offering (a 3 day course). Has anyone taken this course, and if so, what do you think of it?

Scared of walking into a minefield here asking this, but if not Epicor, is there somewhere else you would recommend we get training from.

It is very dated, but Epicor trained me on SSRS about 10 years ago. The instructor was great, but don’t remember his name or know if he is still with Epicor. I would recommend going through Epicor as they can speak to the RDD’s that drive the reports.

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thank you so much, I figured, but I wanted to get an idea from someone who has taken the courses. Thank you so much.

@iggy Another thing to consider is the training the two days before Insights. In the past they’ve had SSRS Trainings those days and it’s generally also a wonderful way to get to know the individuals at Epicor who you’ll be interacting with if there are any issues.


Thank you, great information. You mean going somewhere, I thought it was a remote thing?

The insights trainings are held on person where ever insights is. The general SSRS Trainings I believe are virtual.

Another reason I liked the insights trainings, you got to have the instructors face to face when you had issues, which this is SSRS there will be issues. You also have the instructors there in case you have any issues on reports you are actively working on for real life. Granted this is really only an option if you are planning on going to insights but its something to keep in mind.

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Thank you so much, this is for sure something we would keep in mind. Waiting on Epicor to get back to us on this. Thanks again.