Epicor Screens Shrinking

Over the past few months, we have noticed that Epicor screens shrink up to slivers when they are still open but not in use. For example, I open Time Phase and then I open Part Maintenance. Both screens are left open, and Part Maintenance is in front. When I go back to Time Phase, the screen has shrunk down to perhaps 1" high. Then I go back to Part Maintenance, and it has now shrunk. Every time I move between screens, I have to re-size them. Is anyone else experiencing this? Any ideas why that is now happening or how to resolve? Saving layouts has no effect. Thanks!


That’s all I got.

I ran into this in 10.2.x also. Haven’t seen it in 11.x… knock wood!

The problem I was trying to solve was that multi-line text areas like comments were larger than the container/frame they were in. They line wrapped at the width of the text area, not the width of the container.

The Infragistics UI toolkit is crude by mid-'90s standards; everything is a fixed size, and it doesn’t have any concept of “fill parent”. I set the component sizes manually in developer mode, but the sizes kept getting corrupted when I saved. The sizes that got saved were strictly deterministic, like if I put in 800x600 I always got the same size weird size as a result. It was just never the size that I intended. And there was no apparent relationship between the input size and the saved size. 800x600 might get you 302x154, but 640x480 would get you 3575x909. There wasn’t even an apparent pattern in the aspect ratio of the resulting sizes.

The same thing happened with the size and position of windows.

Support could not reproduce and would not forward the bug report to the developers.

Sometimes you can do Alt + Spacebar and click the size button or maximize. We had that issue on Windows 10 1909 and 2004 I believe. Haven’t seen it on 21H1 or later.

Thanks to all for the feedback. We can resize the screens as needed. Just wondering why we have to almost every time?! If the screen is left open in the background, it should stay put without changing size when it is brought back to the foreground. So frustrating!!!

Please report it, I honestly thought it was something related to my new equipment and I can’t remember the last time it happened so can’t repro now.

I’ve asked around and no one remembers seeing anything like that so I also cannot find any info on a possible fix, the only way is if you report it.

Also attaching a quick gif would help a lot in explaining exactly what happens and I could try sending a broader email with it and see if anyone remembers it.

There’s no point reporting anything without steps to reproduce. Support will not pass it along to the developers. Can’t complain too much; we’re finally starting to get traction on long-standing issues where there are steps to reproduce.

Support does contact developers, at least I do get asked frequently for help. In this case I’d like a gif or quick video to ask around, try and find someone who can help.

Also @Jackie_Braith, which specific ERP version are you on? Since it already happened before on my computer maybe I just need the exact version with the bug, that right now I can’t remember.


So I was able to duplicate the issue in an older version, I asked around and they gave me the jira ticket for this fix.

The issue seems to happen because of the banner to launch the new kinetic version, the workaround is to hit Snooze.

If you want to request a retro and believe you can make a strong case to be accepted, you can reference ERPS-156081

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