Epicor Sales Management Certification


I’m taking the Epicor certification exam on the Sales Management Module in less than a week, and they’ve only given me one week to review. Can someone please offer some advice?

Also, is the exam really multiple-choice all throughout? I am currently utilizing ELC courses related to this exam. Any tips or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Sharing knowledge will be very helpful.

Yes it’s all multiple choice.

Everything on the exams is covered in learning center prep material, but you’ll only be tested on a random sliver of the whole.

Questions may have more than one answer where one is the most correct/complete answer.

Last time I took the sale exam I think it focused heavily on pricing; list price, price lists, pricing groups, discounts.


Hi @zwilli526, thank you for the helpful response! I’m currently utilizing the ELC courses related to the exam, so it’s reassuring to know that everything on the exam is covered in the prep material, even if only a portion is tested.
Your insight into the pricing topics, like list prices, price lists, pricing groups, and discounts, is really helpful, and I’ll make sure to review them thoroughly.

Thanks again for sharing your experience!