Epicor REST API - POST to QuoteDtlSearches

Has anyone had luck utilizing the REST API for creating lines in a quote/order?

I’ve tried testing out the POST call to the QuoteDtl table using the sample serialized object. However, it gives me the following error message…

“HttpStatus”: 400,
** “ReasonPhrase”: “REST API Exception”,**
** “ErrorMessage”: “This function is not allowed.”,**

“ParentLine_c”: 0,
“Company”: “CMP”,
“QuoteNum”: 100,
“QuoteLine”: 1,
“Ordered”: true,
“PartNum”: “Part123”,




Search service that is used in this call does not support updates - the error you see is returned by its Update function.
You have to use another service.

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Quote.UpdateExt -> handle it all a little differently

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Thanks for those methods!

Kind of a side question… Do you know of any batch creating/updating ways I can code? Our company currently has processes that create new quote/order lines via QuoteSvcContract, but that seems to take a while since I have to create each line separately and then call Update(ref quoteTableset) to commit the changes.

That’s probably exactly where the UpdateExt might come in handy. It’s a different type of dataset, but pretty similar. You can build up the quote in the dataset then updateExt it

I’ll take a look. Thanks!