I am trying to figure out what are the best ways to have access to Epicor functionalities using mobile phones (iPhones, Androids)… for example having access to programs like Order Entry, Purchase Order Entry, custom programs that are built using Ice.UI.UDxxDataEntry.dll files and so on…
What do you guys use when it comes to mobile access?
We don’t use mobile devices. But the obvious answer is to use EWA (Epicor Web Acess) extension. I believe there is a Mobile extension too - which I think is just EWA with the UI laid for the smaller mobike screens.
Agree with @ckrusen and @Chris_Conn, out of the box it’s EWA or RDP, especially for the bigger transactions like Order Entry.
You can also do an updatable BAQ and publish that on Mobile but you really won’t get the full experience.
REST is something you can do now but you’d be rolling your own.
The future of Epicor on mobile/tablets and even desktop is the new Kinetic interface. The Active Home Page in 10.2.300 is a good idea of what you’ll be seeing with more and more commands using the Kinetic design. For more info: Epicor ERP Knowledge On Demand
There is also EMA - Epicor Mobile Access. Reach out to your CAM for more information. It is basically a more mobile friendly UI of EWA, to my understanding.
EMA is very nice priced, normally, and does focus on making dashboards available for mobile devices. so you can create your own screens’s app menu’s within epicor, and use these on a mobile device. dashbaords can be updateable.
We just received a Trial License for EMA and are exploring it. You could ask your CAM for a Trial period, they basically send you, your license and set an expiration date on it with EMA for example.
Our CAM claims he can’t do a trail license (but we can certainly buy 1 to test ) , is that true or BS?
Do you know what the technical requirements for EMA are?
Oh, GAWD, I had to do that once on vacation when I didn’t bring a laptop once. Lucky it was just a easy tweak but took 40min on the phone that’d take 2min on a laptop/tablet.
I got an SOS while at the airport on my way to my mothers funeral, and had to make a quick fix (edited the TaxConnect URL) on my phone. Yes, a 2 minute job to a 20 minute job.
(I was okay with the SOS, as they knew it was just a travel day for me)