My company is looking to start purchasing and using LRT guns and the epicor mobile app that will go with them. How easy is it to setup the application? is there a better program that works with epicor? how much was the licensing for each unit? and finally is there any mobile devices that you guys recommend buy to work with these applications??
Do you mean the Epicor Mobile Warehouse app? Because there is also the Epicor Mobile CRM app… You may get a better response if you edit your title and question to be more specific.
Thank you i have fixed my header
EMW is the best. You’ve got other third-party ones like Bezlio but take a lot of work to configure.
EMW can be configured to look at UD Table for configuration for new handhelds… mass deployment.
It uses the Employee screen for the permissions. We currently use it and haven’t had a problem.
It will pick up BPMs. If you want to display messages etc
If you are set up and following best practices with Epicor, EMW is the best. If you leverage a ton of customization and what not, customizing EMW is not easy.
Thank you for your input, how much was the licensing if you don’t mind me asking??>. Also what handheld units are you guys using???
We have a couple of EMW licenses on a pair of Honeywell scanguns we actually bought through Epicor because they were cheaper than our other suppliers. Handsets are solid. Software has some baffling holes in it. Like, you can take photos and attach them to receipts, but not shipments. It also takes way too many steps to get there.
Once we get to Kinetic, I plan testing how well we can simply use the web interface on a tablet or the test Honeywell handheld.
I think a lot of people will take advantage of the kinetic interface to create better modules for tablets. Using the guns, the web interface is awfully small.
I was literally just watching an App Studio demo yesterday, and the ability to create mobile or tablet specific layouts piqued my interest. I have 100% confidence that I can build a better flow than EMW without getting too crazy.
I’d only recommend EMW if you don’t have the resources or experience to go down that route.
That’s actually a very great take as well John. I keep forgetting the kinetic capabilities with app studio!
I saw one other person on here that actually is doing just what you described in production today.
I always thought that they should have stuck with the original naming convention and called it Epicor Wireless Warehouse… aka EWW.
Much more appropriate IMHO.