Yesterday I was looking at the content on the Epicor Learning Center. I found a bunch of videos relating to Application Studio and watched one. I go back today and I cannot find any Application Studio content. Do I need a license to view these videos? Was I not suppose to see them without a license and they have now been hidden? Seems like there was a ton of content there yesterday and today there is just a few random items across different topics.
It feels like something got hidden. If you took at the section by roles. The developer section has nothing.
@karihagedorn are there changes going on?
Hi Mike,
From my end I am not showing any issues with the application studio content. Our course Catalog includes the following courses. To consume these resources individually you can find them via our Course Catalog > Browse (screenshot shown below) or via Course Catalog > Course Listing Search
These are also organized into agendas for you to easily assign multiple courses based on the subject area. The below agendas can be found: Course Catalog > Quick Views > Agendas > Keyword Search : “Application Studio”
You can also assign all Application Studio content by assigning our Developer Learning Path. This can be found via Course Catalog > Quick Views > Learning Paths by Role > Key Word Search: “Developer”
@gpayne - If yours is showing blank, this is likely because an administrator at your company has made internal changes and the information is not visible. You can correct this by going to Admin > Manage Roles > Browse > Search “Developer” > Manage Content. Then revert to Epicor predefined to reset. I strongly recommend you connect with your system admin before making this change to ensure you are not interrupt something that may be in development. There are also additional resources that can be added to the role such as Epicor Data Discovery if your organization is utilizing those as well.
If you continue to experience issues, please report via EpicCare so we can assist you in resolving the matter.
Thank you,
Hi Kari,
I just followed your instructions and there is no developer content found in any of those searches. It was there on Tuesday. I will contact Epicare.
I would be our administrator and when I search for developer under roles nothing appears. I entered a case in EpicCare, but Learning center is not really a choice on the current or the new EpicCare, so I just picked some stuff for the required fields.
Thanks Greg! Mike was continuing to have issues as well. I am in contact with EpicCare and our development team to investigate this issue further.