Custom RDD’s stopped working with Kinetic upgrade with the following message. Only thing about the Custom RDD’s is that we have additional JobHead_UD but all the tables are synced.
I spoke with Epicor support and they said we will have to recreate the custom reports and make it compatible with the new version as they do not guarantee custom things to transfer over, only Epicor built in things
Program Ice.Services.Lib.RunTask raised an unexpected exception with the following message: RunTask:
Ice.Core.SsrsReportService.ReportExecutionSoapException: Exception of type ‘Ice.Core.SsrsReportService.ReportExecutionSoapException’ was thrown.
SOAP Fault: An error has occurred during report processing. —> Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ProcessingAbortedException: An error has occurred during report processing. —> Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessingException: Query execution failed for dataset ‘OrderHed’. —> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid column name ‘IsContiguous’.
Invalid column name ‘IsContiguous’.)
Detail: rsProcessingAborted400An error has occurred during report processing. SQL Server Reporting Services15.0.1102.8971033OsIndependent1033
Exactly what I was thinking. Our custom report that works was built off of the one that is not working and only slightly changed. For us it was working in Pilot up until Friday before the update when it stopped right after
If you open up the report in SSRS Report Builder, try removing the isContiguous field from the columns in the query. We did that and it seemed to work fine again
We had this issue with a few report styles and addressing the individual fields in the error made it work again for us. Still worked in Pilot, which is frustrating because what’s the point of testing if things change on game day?
They do have that new tool for analyzing reports and fixing the rdd<->style matchup. Anyone had success with that?
In Report Style Maintenance. It was suggested to me to run when I was having unrelated problems and it didn’t help. I’m not able to say that it won’t cause damage if used so maybe test on a copy of your main style first.
We upgraded to Kinetic and have the same issue that reports with a custom report data definition fail. I think the issue is that the report data definition and the report builder file no longer sync and have the fields matching up. I think we have to manually edit the report builder data set. I am trying to edit the dataset properties by going to the dataset in question, opening dataset properties, and then adding the custom fields to the expression.