Epicor Kinetic Stackblitz Starter

You can start playing with Epicor Kinetic to some extend in a stackblitz sandbox.

This is experimental, starter package. The last time I touched Angular was 4 years ago and few versions behind. I’ll keep improving the sandbox as much as possible. Feel free to Fork it. (Read it again Chris)

URL: Epicor Kinetic Starter - StackBlitz

Browse Unpkg: https://unpkg.com/@epicor/kinetic@2.0.0-beta.5/


It seems good about Epicor Kinetic but I cannot get detail of it. When I tried your sample I got the following error:


Typically its just missing some dependencies, Epicor must have commited to the beta-5 release npm package. I’ll have to look at what they broke :slight_smile: and go to beta12. might just need a newer angular version… tbd, ill check when i get some time.

Does this still work you all? We are creating an angular app here. Anything you can show to get us started?

We are willing to share what we know as well. I am looking at some components from Infragistics.

Any others we should look at?

I am trying to use this to play with kinetic but not doing so well… Has anyone managed to get something going?


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