Epicor Ideas - Ideas completed - votes released

Just letting you know that while we have not yet increased your vote count (still at 50), we HAVE completed a whole bunch of the ideas over the past year… this has resulted in releasing over 700 of your votes so that you can use those votes on other topics.
This chart shows the number of votes released due to the Kinetic ideas that were DELIVERED… it is categorized by major module.
SO… go into Epicor Ideas… check out how many votes you have available, and start voting for more of the features you like best. Hopefully someday soon, (safe-harbor) you will be able to have more than 50 votes each.

Here is the COUNT of Ideas that were closed:

Are these closed? Or closed delivered? Because the ideas site shows only 56 ideas are delivered and only 34 of them for Kinetic. I’m wondering if the count on your chart includes things that were closed because they already exist or something like that. It also seems a little misleading to count things like ideas about the food trucks at insights, changing the release schedule, or a idea for awarding a prize for best idea as delivered- I understand they should be closed, but on the other hand they are not delivered software functionality so shouldn’t there be a separate category for that?


Also for a lot of the ideas that are marked delivered, its not at all clear what was actually delivered. The idea posted may reference some general ideas about improvement, and the ideas is marked delivered, but there is no reference as to what actual functionality was delivered. On this one for example - what changed? It what release?

Or this one? Comments seem to imply its only delivered for SDK?

Because of how they get “closed-delivered” there is not always a reference to how it got closed. For 248, this was delivered with new features in the iDP login method. for idea 10, this feature was delivered as part of the new SDK package in Kinetic.
Note that not all new features that are added from an idea will be “free” (as in the case of the SDK). But the idea was completed.

many of these were “closed-delivered” but still others were closed for other reasons… for example, we had some closed as “already exists”, others were closed because they were re-reported as BUGS instead of enhancement ideas (bugs are not ideas, and should be fixed in our normal bug fix cadence… no need to waste votes on these). Stlll others were closed as ideas that we are not planning to implement. As you can see from your screenshot, we have had 108 ideas total that have fallen into that category. We don’t want people to waste their votes on features that we believe will never be used, either because they would cause too much problem for the balance of the Epicor community, or they are not possible/too costly.

Are you aware of Support telling people to report Bugs on the Ideas Portal? We have had numerous such cases. Just a heads-up, might want to communicate that to Support, to stop it.

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Oh I would vote for that idea!!

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@aosemwengie1 my point with this post was that we RELEASED VOTES… no matter what way that they were closed, there were votes for nearly every one of the ideas that were closed (I think there were three ideas closed that had zero votes).

When we give the future roadmap at Insights next year, we typically report the number of User IDEAS that are DELIVERED, and even list off some of those ideas from the past year.

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Every time I see this happen, I have pushed back on support. If it is truly a BUG, then it should not be reported in Ideas…
Epicor’s development team is split into multiple groups of developers… each has their own “budget”.

  1. SUSTAINING: This is where all bugs go. They work on bugs as they come in. No “new” features are developed by the sustaining team.
  2. NEW DEVELOPMENT: This is where all new features are developed. This is where all IDEAS go

New Development has its own budget, and we do not want to waste any of the budget fixing bugs. It should be focused on creating new things. Yes… there are times when the New dev team does fix bugs along the way, but that is not their focus.

If you ever have someone from support tell you to report a BUG on Epicor ideas, I would suggest that you push back. Suggest that bugs are not ideas. You can even ask for the issue to be escalated.

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Thank you for the info @timshuwy .

@Everyone please don’t shoot the messenger, let’s tone down the rhetoric Tim doesn’t have the power to change the rules he is just reporting the news the best he can. He is an avid contributor to this forum and a champion for us all.

Have a great day!



Not trying to shoot him, just making him aware. I wasn’t sure if he was aware or if he was thinking that simply users are the culprits here abusing the ideas portal. That’s all. We all love @timshuwy atleast he is someone who stuck with this community and is active, unlike others who want nothing to do with us. :slight_smile:

By the looks of it, he is very well aware. Case Closed. Back to Topic.