Epicor Help available in Server Application but not on Client PC

I am trying to open up the application help from my local copy of E10 App. However, I am facing this error.

This is weird. Because the application help loads nicely in the server.

I am assuming there is something wrong with the setting on IIS. But I cannot figure out why. Anyone has any idea?

Try running the help URL in your Client Browser, if its loading, then you might need to updte the Help URL in Epicor Company Maintenance,
Check in IIS, and Enabled the Anonymous Auth Only for the help Website wit App Pool Identitiy…
Check SSL Certificate Issue, if this is Local - This might be stopping the Help to be load outside the Server…

Let me know, if issue continues…

Thanks for the reply.
should the iis pipeline mode be classic or integrated?

Try both alternatively, I am not sure on this …