I am quite new to the Epicor Functions. Do functions store the source somewhere on the server similar to BPM?
Epicor Functions are just BPMs on steroids. The code is stored in the same table.
For BPM, the Sources are located on \\wwwepicor\EpicorERP\Server\BPM\Sources\BO , but for functions, I can’t seem to find the source for it. Did a search in the BPM sources and cannot find the code that I have done.
That’s where BPMs are deployed. If you delete the contents of that folder, you can regenerate the BPMs by Verifying the directives. The actual source is stored in Ice.BpDirective in an xml field called Body.
Similarly, functions are stored in a different schema in Ecf.EfxFunction and the function source is in an XML field also called Body.
Tables not available via BAQ but they are in REST.
Side Note - On-Prem View EFx Code
If you are on-prem and would like to see the code your EFx generates you can add the following to your web.config
It will then generate your code into the following server side folder:
Example: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\EpicorERP\Server\BPM\Sources