Epicor Function UpdateExt: Updating PLPartBrk table from QuoteQty

Good afternoon,

I have received a request from our customer service team to have Epicor automatically update the Price List from the quantity breaks on the quote WHEN this “Active Line” checkbox is checked.

After searching around reading this and the BPM cookbook, I trying to use UpdateExt in a Function to add the rows to the price list. The Fill Table by Query is doing what I want it to do, and I do not get any errors. However, the price list qty breaks are still blank.

I’ve also tried to just use Update with a PriceLst dataset to update the PLPartBrk table, but it brings in all the qty break rows for all the parts in the table.

Crossing my fingers it’s something small :crossed_fingers:

I appreciate any help!

Are you adding or editing the price breaks ? Because if you’re editing them, row mod should be U and not A as you have it there.
I would try and use DMT for this first to make sure you have all the fields needed. Then, just try and replicate that in the function.

Thank you for the response.

Technically, I’m deleting the existing price breaks (if there are any), then adding the new ones. I ended up figuring it out. I ended up using the Update method (not UpdateExt).

  1. I invoked the PriceLst.GetRows BO (took me a while to figure out the syntax for the whereClausePriceLstParts. The BL Testor helped).

  1. Then I Filled Table by Query to insert into the PLPartBrk table. I didn’t know this beforehand, but the “RadioButtonValue” field had to be either “D” or “P”, and the Discount percent had to be populated.