Epicor ERP Kinetic Application Users Guide

Does anyone know if there has been a document written Like the EpicorERPApplication_UserGuide 102700.pdf for Kinetic, preferably 2022 version, since the UI changes so much and so often?

I have access to EpicWeb but I don’t see it if it’s there.

It is built into the Help Now

I don’t know if they’ll make the PDF anymore, I suspect not since this is a living document


Bummer about no pdf, but makes sense.

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I might be missing it, where is that help section?

F1 anywhere in Epicor.


OK great, thank you so much, I think that is it… ugg no PDF but it can be made, it will just take a while. Thank you.

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I think the point is, don’t make a PDF of it because it changes.

I doubt it changes that drastically, but I am sure it changes like Jose said.


yes, just saying I could make one for my team, since they all want one and I will be the idiot that has to keep making it, maybe… it’s hard to break people from their habits, but maybe I will force them.

You’re kind Iggy.

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Stupid and Kind can be confused, haha.

Iggy teach a “man/woman” to fish, they can hit F1 just like the next guy. Now that epicor’s help is online it is a living /breathing document that changes constantly.


yes of course, I will, its just hard to convince the higher updates to change their ways, but they changed using the older version to kinetic, so they will have to change as well. Thank you both

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It’s interesting that in Quality/ISO circles, a printed version (and PDF is a printed version) of any controlled document is automatically considered out-of-date. It says something about the nature of quality in software development. :thinking:


it is a living document, so as they add/remove things they dont have to reprint/publish, I get it, but sometimes print is better, for some. I do like the Control+F function of a PDF and certain documents, sadly life doesn’t have Control+F

It’s never been a mystery to me if they would give up on the PDF - it was always when not if.

But I sure do hate with a passion that it is discontinued.

Nothing beats a book. Books are better than computers, the end.

I could explain, but if you don’t get it then you won’t get it. Ask 2020 schoolchildren if they prefer virtual learning.


I prefer PDF as well, but since I don’t write the software or the education material for it, I have to work with what they give me. Control+F works better in a PDF than it does within this but again, I don’t make the documents, so I have to work with what I have.

I smell a badge comin’


I really am amazed I have avoided it this long.

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You’re a widget person! You know how to find cheese! :rofl:


I say it’s an XY problem.

“We make so many mistakes with our software that managing a PDF is too cumbersome.”

What’s the problem here? The PDF is getting in the way.


The software should ship with fewer bugs; development needs to listen to (experienced) customers more, etc.

Like, imagine engineering drawings with no revisions. “This ECO process is too cumbersome. We should be able to make changes on the fly as fast as we can.”

Of course it’s cumbersome! Because engineering changes are murder on the rest of the company and everyone needs to know THAT a change happened and what the change is.