Epicor ERP Implementation User Guide 2024.1?

Anyone know if there is new 2024.1 version of the Epicor ERP Implementation User Guide? The latest that shows up on EpicWeb is 2021.1 as Kinetic officially was released.


The 2024.1 guide is out there, I just used it and shot myself in the foot

Kinetic Downloads (epicor.com)

You talking just general user guide?

I read implementation as “install” or “upgrade” sorry :sweat_smile:

The data in that document is still correct, but the screenshots and functionality descriptions are all based on the Classic UX. Epicor Education has moved away from that format, and has not re-created this particular document in a Kinetic flavor.

@karihagedorn , are there any plans to do so?

Hi Ernie,

We are currently prioritizing the User and Technical Guide uplift, I do not have a timeline for an updated implementation guide. Please feel free to submit an Epicor Idea on the topic and I will review with our team.


Epicor Idea created:
