Epicor Data Discovery

So I am testing the upgrade process from 10.1.600.15 to 10.2.300.14 and taking a look at Epicor Data Discovery, as it is a new addition to our environment.

I started by pulling up the Customer Days Past Due chart, and saw an entry that says Customer A is 1878 days past due on Invoice #122412 in the amount of $0.02 (shown in the image below)

So, I went into Epicor and opened up the Invoice Tracker for that invoice. It says that the total for that invoice was $653.35

So then I went to Header > Payments and saw the following screen:
It seems that the customer paid the invoice, but for some reason they were $0.02 short, so we applied a discount of $0.02 on it at the time the invoice was paid. It then looks like 6 months later we did an adjustment on it for $0.02 for some reason.

All of this happened back in 2013/2014, and does not appear on any reports that we run. Finance tells me that everything has balanced out fine year after year. So, if that is the case why would it be showing up on the “Customer Days Past Due” graph in EDD? It throws off the scaling of the graph which messes with my OCD, heh.