Epicor Contacts

I thought many of you might be interested in this. Now you know who to
thank, complement, or berate.

De Anna Godfrey
McNeal Enterprises, Inc.
408.922.7290 x14
fax 408.922.0728

Rick Roll
President of EPICOR
rroll@... <mailto:rroll@...>
Responsible for all EPICOR product lines.

Rick Borg
Vice-President/General Manager of Vantage & Vista projects.
rborg@... <mailto:rborg@...>
Reports to Rick Roll
Responsible for Vantage and Vista product lines.

Mike Pietrini
Sales Manager - Central States
mpietrini@... <mailto:mpietrini@...>
Reports to Rick Borg
Responsible for all sales related to Vantage and Vista product lines -
Central States.

Jim Bork
Sales Manager - Eastern States
jbork@... <mailto:jbork@...>
Reports to Rick Borg
Responsible for all sales related to Vantage and Vista product lines -
Eastern States.

Aaron Korsen
Sales Manager - Western States
akorsen@... <mailto:akorsen@...>
Reports to Rick Borg
Responsible for all sales related to Vantage and Vista product lines -
Western States.

Mark Pladson
Vantage Product Manager
mpladson@... <mailto:mpladson@...>
Reports to Rick Borg
Responsible for deciding what functions will be included in future releases
of Vantage.

Doug Williams
Vantage Development Manager
dwilliams@... <mailto:dwilliams@...>
Reports to Rick Borg
Responsible for all Vantage developers.

Joe Jasper
Director of Support
jjasper@... <mailto:jjasper@...>
Reports to Rick Borg
Responsible for all direct support functions related to Vantage.

Steve Graham
Tech Support Manager
sgraham@... <mailto:sgraham@...>
Reports to Joe Jasper
Responsible for all technical support related to Vantage.

Tim Ligas
Vantage Application Support Manager
tligas@... <mailto:tligas@...>
Reports to Joe Jasper
Responsible for all application support related to Vantage.

Matthew Christus
Vantage Support Manager
mchristus@... <mailto:mchristus@...>
Reports to Joe Jasper
Responsible for annual support contracts.

Patrick Jin
Vantage Custom Programming Manager
pjin@... <mailto:pjin@...>
Reports to Joe Jasper
Responsible for all custom programming related to Vantage.

Ann Bollmeier
Regional Consulting Manager for Vantage in the Northern and Eastern US zones
abollmeier@... <mailto:abollmeier@...>
Reports to Joe Jasper
Responsible for all onsite Consultants within her territory and Service

Judi Williams
Regional Consulting Manager for Vantage in the Western and Southern US zones
jwilliams@... <mailto:jwilliams@...> or 949-585-4105
Reports to Joe Jasper
Responsible for all onsite Consultants within her territory and Service

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]