Anyone out there using Collaborate BPms to raise alerts? I have a BPM setup to raise an Alert when a PO is approved that part is working in terms that I see them in the subscriber’s queue table.
So this was a BPM on ChangePOApproval problem is that the BPM Widget doesn’t really tell you what to put in the boxes the “Tag” one is important it seems I had In there just
POApproval -- didn't work
Then i tried
PO<PoNum/> -- didnt' work
Apparently this is the ticket
This now makes a custom rule available that people can subscribe to and see in their streamline
I have not worked with collaborate for a while now. back in the earlier days you could follow it by following the ‘custom’ notification. That was supposed to be eventually replaced with a unique ID per rule but I have not heard if that ever changed and its been 3 years since I was involved with collaborate.