Epicor BAQ

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Good afternoon all,

I am stuck on a solution that I am building through a BAQ. I need to take the below Query and take make a percentage of On Time and the percentage of late. I have used the EDD to create a pie chart, but the problem is it does not show a percentage total. Is there anyway to to make this happen?


Thanks for any help,

Austin Kuhlman

one display field, and three calculated fields. Set your query to distinct top.

This is just an example, but it should give you something to try. (And it might not be the best way either)

You could also do this with subqueries too.





Actually, it looks like it has a percent in there.


Thank you! I was trying to use the EDD instead of a dashboard so I did not even look to see the charts in there.

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ahhhh! I totally missed that you said EDD. That’s one of the reasons that I haven’t fully embraced EDD yet. It looks cool if you are just looking at it, but once you need something real from it, the labeling especially needs a lot of work. It’s getting there, and I’m sure it’s getting better, but I think it will be a while before all of those little details are ironed out.