Epicor ACH File for Vendors

I’m using Epicor 10.1.500 and am attempting to create an ACH Payment file to electronically handle invoices with Vendors. For security purposes, creating a .csv file is a no-go as the files will have banking information. Is Epicor capable of creating such files to be sent to Vendor banks? I have seen suggestions about the Electronic Interface and Payment Methods but have not been able to get them to work, and other suggestions referring to outside applications to set up ACH files.

You need to buy the Electronic Interface module EFT in particular to get this to work. but yes Epicor can do this.


The module from Epicor won’t make the generated file anymore “safe” though, it still generates a csv or text file


You can get some level of security by locking down permissions on the target directory. You could also encrypt the output using your own functions in the EFT code, but ultimately, your bank is expecting a certain (most likely plain text based) format, so you’ll still have to decrypt it before sending.

Also, fwiw you could potentially send the data direct in the EFT code instead of creating a file via some secure method your bank supports. I have never done this, and I dont know the implications but I figured I’d throw out the concept for the sake of science.

We do ACH in the US and SEPA in Europe. A CSV file is the last of your security concerns. In Europe (and some US companies), the banking information is printed right on the invoices. Nobody is hiding that. Well-defined procedures and separation of duties are your main security concerns.

  • Who can update your supplier bank information?
  • Who can request a change of bank information? How do you ensure it’s correct so you’re sending monies to the correct party?
  • Is the person who generates/sends the file different from the person who approves the payment online?
  • Does someone check (heh heh) that all transactions complete without errors?

Yes and you don’t send to them to supplier banks. You send the file to your bank and they disperse the funds through the ACH system. You should discuss your ACH program with your bank first and see what their procedures are.

Mark W.