Kudos to you for all these notes! Very helpful!
From: [] On Behalf Of
Mark Wonsil
Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 9:16 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Epicor 9 Installation Notes
I sent Karl my Epicor 9 notes from our launch, but I will lay them out here
for others as well. The numbers to the left indicate the section in the
Installation Guide.
Make sure that you have your Epicor 9 license codes before you start.
2.2 Exit PET before shutting down AdminService to prevent connection error.
3.6 Make sure EVERYTHING is posted before converting. No unposted G/L,
Payable, Invoice groups. Run Capture COS/WIP. Epicor 9 has an entirely new
posting mechanism and I don't think it will work if you mix the old and the
new. This is NOT optional.
5.3: No instruction on how to start over with UOM conversions/Conversion.
You need to delete the UOMDB and recreate it if you want to re-run the UOM
conversion after fixing UOMs or if it has been awhile. Write a BAQ to check
ALL of the combinations of stocking, sales, and purchasing UOMs and make
sure that's the way they truly are. Bogus UOMs will be corrected by the
conversion program.
6.2: For upgrading users, there are no instructions to set the previous
OpenEdge AdminService to Manual before the reboot after the OE10.1C
installation. The previous 10.x admin service programs all use the same port
so make sure only one is active.
7.1 Since Epicor 9 is stored under "Program Files", you have to fight with
inherited rights making the Server, Client, and ClientServer folders
read-only. There should be a script that makes these folders writable when
doing ANY and EVERY patch/update.
7.3 The latest patch will update your Posting Rules but the initial
conversion will try to as well and you might see an error. Write down the
rule that threw the error and check after the conversion that the correct
rule is Active and not Blocked. (See 12.1)
8. Update Help http location in mfgsys.ini to your hosted help location or
leave blank. Software ships with an Epicor site in MN and you won't get Help
if you don't fix this.
General Admin notes: With a new version of PET, etc. remember to update all
of your Desktop short-cuts. Remember to include quotes around "Program
Files" in batch files like your backup jobs. If you move your database
locations (Progress) then remember to update you Backup jobs and Anti-Virus
profiles to exclude your new database folder locations.
10. Before this step, restore your 8.03 database files to the new location.
I think the new database created in the setup does not have the Extended
flag on. Delete that database or use PROUTIL to allow > 2 GB (Progress
only). Also, if you move the database to another location than \Program
Files\Epicor Software\Epicor904\db, remember to update your
server\config\<database>.pf files or your Schema Change won't run.
10. If you can't start your database, you're probably missing Proword files
from a previous version of OE. Just copy the missing proword files (like
proword.2, proword.3) from your old OpenEdge folder to the new OE101C
10.1 #6 The BI file gets VERY large after the schema change. I did a
truncate BI (Progress only) afterward. If the Schema Change unexpectedly
exits, start it over until it says you're done. This is a known issue.
10.3 The new Admin Console will have the default passwords and not your
current Manager password. Change it to your current Manager log in.
12.1 Run Verify G/L Balances in Financial Management | G/L | General
Operations. This was taken out of the documentation since the beta but we
could get the financial reports to balance without doing so. Check the
Update box.
12.2 Don't forget to update port numbers in your System Agent when you
update the paths. (9001, etc.)
Report Styles: In either .407 or 503, the upgrade will overwrite some report
styles with an EDI version. In our case, ARFORM. Try to print all of your
custom reports and make sure that your style didn't get changed to "EDI".
If you run Product Configurator, run the Verify Existing Configurations in
case one of your rules (SET FIELD) uses a field that is removed or renamed.
If your configurator uses delimited files (CSV, Excel, etc.) then move them
to a known location in Epicor 9 and/or update your configurators.
If your custom reports are still in the old 8.03 folder, remember to move
them to the new Epicor folder.
Run old financial reports and tie out to previous versions.
Run historical Payable/Receivable aging and inventory reports and tie back
to G/L.
To get historical reports to run, you MUST run the conversion 10080 for ALL
dates even though the documentation makes it sound like running the current
year will do. Start with the current year and move backward. This conversion
takes some time depending on the number of years of history you have. You
can run it in batches.
If you plan on using Epicor Web Access (Using your web browser to access
Epicor 9) then you're customizations need to be written in C# in order to be
seen on the web version. The Maintain Customization program in System
Management | Utilities has a Tool that helps convert VB to C#. It's mostly
syntax changing with a few twists on type conversion.
I hope those moving to Epicor 9 find this useful. Feel free to add your
notes as well. I may have forgotten some of the items that happened to us
after the conversion date.
Mark W.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Kudos to you for all these notes! Very helpful!
From: [] On Behalf Of
Mark Wonsil
Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 9:16 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Epicor 9 Installation Notes
I sent Karl my Epicor 9 notes from our launch, but I will lay them out here
for others as well. The numbers to the left indicate the section in the
Installation Guide.
Make sure that you have your Epicor 9 license codes before you start.
2.2 Exit PET before shutting down AdminService to prevent connection error.
3.6 Make sure EVERYTHING is posted before converting. No unposted G/L,
Payable, Invoice groups. Run Capture COS/WIP. Epicor 9 has an entirely new
posting mechanism and I don't think it will work if you mix the old and the
new. This is NOT optional.
5.3: No instruction on how to start over with UOM conversions/Conversion.
You need to delete the UOMDB and recreate it if you want to re-run the UOM
conversion after fixing UOMs or if it has been awhile. Write a BAQ to check
ALL of the combinations of stocking, sales, and purchasing UOMs and make
sure that's the way they truly are. Bogus UOMs will be corrected by the
conversion program.
6.2: For upgrading users, there are no instructions to set the previous
OpenEdge AdminService to Manual before the reboot after the OE10.1C
installation. The previous 10.x admin service programs all use the same port
so make sure only one is active.
7.1 Since Epicor 9 is stored under "Program Files", you have to fight with
inherited rights making the Server, Client, and ClientServer folders
read-only. There should be a script that makes these folders writable when
doing ANY and EVERY patch/update.
7.3 The latest patch will update your Posting Rules but the initial
conversion will try to as well and you might see an error. Write down the
rule that threw the error and check after the conversion that the correct
rule is Active and not Blocked. (See 12.1)
8. Update Help http location in mfgsys.ini to your hosted help location or
leave blank. Software ships with an Epicor site in MN and you won't get Help
if you don't fix this.
General Admin notes: With a new version of PET, etc. remember to update all
of your Desktop short-cuts. Remember to include quotes around "Program
Files" in batch files like your backup jobs. If you move your database
locations (Progress) then remember to update you Backup jobs and Anti-Virus
profiles to exclude your new database folder locations.
10. Before this step, restore your 8.03 database files to the new location.
I think the new database created in the setup does not have the Extended
flag on. Delete that database or use PROUTIL to allow > 2 GB (Progress
only). Also, if you move the database to another location than \Program
Files\Epicor Software\Epicor904\db, remember to update your
server\config\<database>.pf files or your Schema Change won't run.
10. If you can't start your database, you're probably missing Proword files
from a previous version of OE. Just copy the missing proword files (like
proword.2, proword.3) from your old OpenEdge folder to the new OE101C
10.1 #6 The BI file gets VERY large after the schema change. I did a
truncate BI (Progress only) afterward. If the Schema Change unexpectedly
exits, start it over until it says you're done. This is a known issue.
10.3 The new Admin Console will have the default passwords and not your
current Manager password. Change it to your current Manager log in.
12.1 Run Verify G/L Balances in Financial Management | G/L | General
Operations. This was taken out of the documentation since the beta but we
could get the financial reports to balance without doing so. Check the
Update box.
12.2 Don't forget to update port numbers in your System Agent when you
update the paths. (9001, etc.)
Report Styles: In either .407 or 503, the upgrade will overwrite some report
styles with an EDI version. In our case, ARFORM. Try to print all of your
custom reports and make sure that your style didn't get changed to "EDI".
If you run Product Configurator, run the Verify Existing Configurations in
case one of your rules (SET FIELD) uses a field that is removed or renamed.
If your configurator uses delimited files (CSV, Excel, etc.) then move them
to a known location in Epicor 9 and/or update your configurators.
If your custom reports are still in the old 8.03 folder, remember to move
them to the new Epicor folder.
Run old financial reports and tie out to previous versions.
Run historical Payable/Receivable aging and inventory reports and tie back
to G/L.
To get historical reports to run, you MUST run the conversion 10080 for ALL
dates even though the documentation makes it sound like running the current
year will do. Start with the current year and move backward. This conversion
takes some time depending on the number of years of history you have. You
can run it in batches.
If you plan on using Epicor Web Access (Using your web browser to access
Epicor 9) then you're customizations need to be written in C# in order to be
seen on the web version. The Maintain Customization program in System
Management | Utilities has a Tool that helps convert VB to C#. It's mostly
syntax changing with a few twists on type conversion.
I hope those moving to Epicor 9 find this useful. Feel free to add your
notes as well. I may have forgotten some of the items that happened to us
after the conversion date.
Mark W.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]