Epicor 9.05 What table holds the job "Scheduled Resources" infor

Try the ResourceTimeUsed table. It may hold the information you are looking to find.






From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2016 2:54 PM
To: Vantage List <vantage@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: Re: [Vantage] Epicor 9.05 What table holds the job "Scheduled Resources" information



Yes, thank you, I did check that table but it does not have it.  JobOpDtl holds the resource IF we specified a resource (which we usually do not).  We usually only specify a resource group on the jobopdtl and then the global scheduling "schedules" it to a specific resource within that group. That actual scheduled resource info is not in the jobopdtl table but I cannot figure out where it is.  I did also put in an Epicor support call this morning but haven't heard back yet.

Does anybody know what table holds the information of the job "scheduled resources" from the Job Details -> Operations -> scheduling resources -> "Scheduled Resources" tab ?

The Field help says field name is ResourceID with epibinding JobResources but I can't find anything that has this table name. This information is also used on the resource scheduling board, but I cannot seem to find the table that stores this. Thanks for any advice on how to find this.

Did you already try JobOpDtl?
Yes, thank you, I did check that table but it does not have it. JobOpDtl holds the resource IF we specified a resource (which we usually do not). We usually only specify a resource group on the jobopdtl and then the global scheduling "schedules" it to a specific resource within that group. That actual scheduled resource info is not in the jobopdtl table but I cannot figure out where it is. I did also put in an Epicor support call this morning but haven't heard back yet.