Epicor 9.05.701 (Progress) BAQ Problem

I am writing a BAQ around the Customer and Invchead and Invcdetail tables utilizing some Calculated fields for Sales Totals.  I am ultimately wanting this in a dashboard which I can filter by date range (30 days, 1 year, etc), so I will need to add a date field for the dashboard.  The problem in doing so is that the customer name and calculated total #'s instead of appearing once, appear each time the date shows up and handles each invoice separately instead of in total.

Ex.  What I want is (Company A) (Total Sales)
What I get is (Company A) (Total Sales 1)
                   (Company A) (Total Sales 2)
                   (Company A) (Total Sales 3)

Is there a way around this and still provide the invchead.invoicedate for dashboard date filtering?