Epicor 9.05.701 error The type initializer for 'CrystalDecisions

Thanks Bobby,


Found them.  I guess on 9.05.701 we need Crystal 2010 SP3 and my machine needs a 32 bit.   Hoping that resolves the issue.


Thanks much.





Thanks for your reply.


We currently have 32 bit runtime, do we need 64 bit runtime?

It depends on what the runtime the client machine is using. If you right click on the icon that the user is launching epicor from and go to properties.  In the Target field if they are running 64 bit (MfgSys64.exe) then they need to have the 64 bit crystal runtime installed.  If it is just (mfgSys.exe) then they need to have the 32 bit crystal runtime installed. 

But I have received that error before when the wrong runtime was installed on a users computer. 

Both runtime versions are available on EpicWeb.
