Epicor 10 in the cloud


Regarding rolling Epicor 10 out to the cloud (be it AWS, vCD/DSC, etc.) for a public presence … is it possible to retain the desktop client functionality while pointing it out to the cloud instance?

From what I see at this time, it’s all domain-based with a WindowsAuth or simple SSO at the E10 server, OR … just straight web-based E10.

Please let me know how the pros do it with a cloud-based E10 rollouts.

Thank you!

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do a search on “cloud” on this site. You will see lots of stuff regarding cloud vs on-premise. Below is an example of a post where they go into just that.

Hello Nick,

We have been using Epicor in the Cloud since 2015. First as Single Tenant users at a Data Center that Epicor managed and now a year in Epicor’s SaaS Public Cloud product hosted in Azure. We have always used the the Smart Client to point to the cloud. We use an https endpoint and not the net.tcp endpoint. This protocol is very forgiving to occasional (accidental or intentional) disconnects. You can use the regular built-in Epicor Security, which is far more secure than in the past. We have tested Azure AD and will roll it out after our .300 upgrade next month. As you probably know, the application server is bound to an access type, so you can run AZ AD for most users and have an https connection for non-AD users if required. I have not used Windows Auth or SSO with the cloud.

Mark W.

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In Azure AD Connect you can setup how your on-prem users will syncronize with AAD. For example, if you use Seamless SSO, for example, users do not need to enter passwords on logon to Epicor (or, for some other cases - enter the same password as for AD)

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Thanks Olga. I mean as far as the actual E10 client for a PC (not mobile, not web) and the setup of it if you don’t have ERP Cloud licensing. Is it then a matter of pointing to http://, https:// in the .sysconfig files? How about network shares if there’s still reporting/temp folders to be used?

Yes. It is the same code base. The SaaS product itself has a few more Customizations to assist Epicor in managing the product.

Those are still used at the server. Any server-side code can’t write back to your local file system though. There is a program within Epicor that lets you download files (logs, ACH, etc) to your local client.

Mark W

Mark, regarding the network shares …

If a client is using E10 offsite, no VPN, not SMB path to an \e10-server\deployment share which houses reports, temp files, customizations, etc., how does that work then? Is the network share actually presented to the end-user via the public cloud for \public_ip\deployment_shares, etc.?

The deployment location is an FTP site instead of a network share.

And reports, logs, ACH files, etc. are retrieved via a built-in Epicor command:


That’s interesting Mark, thanks. Have you done this type of a roll-out, how is the performance in comparison to on-prem (I realize it’s not the same)?

Is there a doc/guide for this type of a roll-out you’re speaking of? It would help me understand this tremendously. Thanks.