Epicor 10 Cloud Conversion - Menu Security

Hello - I was wondering if any of you converted to Epicor 10 Cloud using Epicor for the conversion.

When they converted my database (I am still in testing), no company is assigned (owning company) in menu detail and security.

Therefore to change anything I have to go to Actions - change to current company in the detail tab, then in the security tab, I have to go to Actions copy security to current company

There are 100s of menus, literally this has to be done to any menu I want to change the customization or security for. Epicor is telling me this is normal. Did anyone else experience this?

My Technical creating new BPM to done all those action automatically.

Calling @Mark_Wonsil… he’s a cloud user.

Yes. If you go to EpicWeb under the Cloud Documentation Section, they discuss this. I’m not sure if this is a relic of the Multi-Tenant issue of multiple companies per database but I don’t know why a Public Cloud/Dedicated Tenant would have to do this. :frowning:

Here is a place where DMT can save you. Export the the menu security you want to switch to current company and then add them back in so you’ll be able to add your security/customizations.

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Mark was a cloud user. I have moved from Perceptron to ND Industries who are currently on prem users. :wink: My new drive time is 13 minutes down from 40-45. I’ll miss the good people at Perceptron but am excited about being here at ND.

Congratulations on the move! Best of luck!

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Thanks for confirming. I don’t have DMT and don’t want to purchase more, but Epicor is assigning my company to all the menus with customization during the conversion. This is helpful. It sounds like they could also do this for all menus.
They say they don’t because some companies have 100s of companies…

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