Does anyone have a listing of all the E10.2 Report Listings. I was able to find something similar for E9 on EpicWeb, but could not find a current listing of E10 reports.
What do you mean but “Reports Listing”?
I’ve made a BAQ against the Menu tables and fiiltered to show only meun items that are reports. But this won’t include reports that can only be run from within a form (like AR Edit Listing).
You could query against the SSRS Database, but no guarantees that there aren’t orphaned reports in there (RDL’s that aren’t linked to anything in E10)
@hkeric.wci made a Windows Help file of the tables, maybe he can do something like that for the Reports (no pressure Haso … )
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I did
Epicor Reports Listing.pdf (37.1 KB) I had in my files the attached list that was put out by Epicor for E9.0, I was looking to see if they had something similar for E10