Epicor 10.1 Customizations disappearing and reappearing randomly

Some of our users are experiencing customized fields randomly disappearing from forms. I have checked to see that the All companies flag was used for the customizations. I have had them “Clear Client Cache” when this happens and the customization that they were looking for reappears but it will disappear again later on.

Has anyone had this happen?

Are they disappearing? Or reverting back to previous customizations? I’ve had to do this on a couple of users computers to help with it, but it has only happened with I have changed an existing customization.

They disappear until the user clicks “Clear client cache”. Right after that, they reappear but will disappear sometime later, not necessarily the same day.

That’s the same behavior I was getting. If you can find the DLL’s in C:\ProgramData\Epicor\epicor10-1-808 on their local machine and get rid of that.those, it pretty much always fixes it for me.

Thanks, Brandon. I will give it a try. Did I see that someone posted this is supposed to be fixed in 10.2?

That’s what they said. I just got 10.2.200 up in test this week and haven’t had a chance to try and test that yet.

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Agreed. I started naming mine XYZ_CustomizationName_yy.mm.dd - I get those issues if i leave the same Customization Name in 10.1+

The users lose their personalizations if you do this though, right?. Get rid of one problem, create another… depends on the end user and how they use the system.

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You are right they do lose Personalizations. But sometimes even the Clear Cache doesnt work unless they manually like you said go to C:\ProgramData\Epicor and delete the folder. That is more confusing to them, can’t win either way :slight_smile:

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I’m lucky enough to have a small enough number of users, that I can just go around and do it for them. A large company, this could be problematic though. I’m glad they have a fix for this.

You guys should consider using the AlternateCache property of the sysconfig, allows you to put the cache in a specific location and even break it out by user. Specially useful for terminal server environments.
I like to do this because it allows you to easily script the “cleanup” of cache one a week, month, year etc.


Would this be useful still in 10.2.200? Or should it be a non issue once we get upgraded?

IMO i’ts always useful to control where the cache lives. As a sysadmin and it should ALWAYS (says me) be done in a terminal server environment to ensure that each user gets their own copy of the cache.

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Thanks everyone for the very useful information! I will pass this along to our IT guys to see if they can help get this under control here!