We are using 3 UD Tables to track our custom Epicor Components (UD30 - UD32). I am trying to create a Screen off of UD32 that pulls the data from UD30 into Combo Boxes to establish Parent/Child Relationships. The issue I am having is trying to get the EpiCombo to fill in with data from UD30, the EpiBOName List only goes from UD1-UD20. Below is my current layout for the EpiCombo, followed by a simple SQL Select to show there’s data in the table. Any advice on how to get this to work, I thought by simply manually changing the BO to Ice:BO:UD30 and manually changing the EpiTableName to UD30List would do the trick, but I am seeing no success. I have also tried switching between RowsDataSet and ListDataSet for the EpiDataSetMode.
EpiCombo Setup
SQL Server Results UD30